Goodbye for Now: Honoring the Love of My Life

2017 was a year of transformation through fire. I am now ready to step fully back into my mission of helping women explore their passions, live their purpose and discover the ultimate love of their life! As I continue on my sacred journey I plan to honor my true purpose and the love of my life.

As many of you already know, I have been absent from my business of serving all of you in your quest for manifesting the love of YOUR life, so I could take care of the love of MY life.  Last year Steve and I walked the Sacred Love journey of cancer.  We had such high hopes for an outcome that would allow us to stay together in physical form in this lifetime, but that was not meant to be.  In just 9 months’ time, we went from hearing his dire diagnoses of triple hit lymphoma to saying “good-bye for now”, as he transitioned to spirit form, surrounded with family in our living room.

While Steve bore the physical burden of pain, paralysis and death, I bore the emotional and mental burden of loss and grief, while watching my vibrant, vital and passionate husband, slowly lose his fire and spark of life. It was also the year that I felt the closest to Steve and all of our family, friends and circle of support.  We walked every single step of that journey together, side by side, and in many ways, it brought us even closer to each other than our fun adventures ever could.

One of Steve’s favorite movies was “Titanic”. I told Steve every time we watched it that we would be like the old couple that chose to spoon together on the bed facing their transition to spirit after a long and happy life together.  I never wanted to be like Rose and Jack, but in our own way, at least for right now, we are.  Steve and I had 8 years together.  Only 8 and all of 8.  We loved passionately, lived deeply, took lots of adventure trips and grew more in those 8 years than I have in any other 8 years in my life!

I used to think that a “successful” life was a long life (85+ years) after serving your purpose surrounded by those you love.  The only part of that idea that is no longer true for me is the age part.  I still believe that when we have fulfilled our purpose in this lifetime, we go back to spirit form and share in eternal happiness and Joy.  Steve completed his journey in just 53 years. Hearing the stories from his students of how he inspired them to step into their passions of protecting our environment and protecting Mother Earth, filled my heart with such pride, and such sadness that such a powerhouse was gone.  We are each left with his wisdom, guidance and inspiration to follow our path in becoming leaders and making the world a better place. Stepping into our life’s purpose will honor Steve’s memory in all of us.

Part of my purpose is to continue coaching women on the sacred inner journey of preparing themselves for love in my Being the One  Relationship Readiness program, and the sacred outer journey of attracting and choosing Love through my Conscious Dating program.

Community has always been important and vital to me. As part of my on-going vision, I am excited to invite you to join me as we build a community of women, sisters called, The Sacred Sisterhood, a safe and sacred space for women to connect, heal and transform in unity and fun, no matter where they are on their Sacred Love Journey. Our true source of support comes from a strong tribe of friends, as we share and empower each other to be our best selves, and raise our energy. We will create new traditions and open to new love while we learn, discover and have fun along the way.  For more information on the Sacred Sisterhood, visit: Sandy’s Facebook Page Events

2017 was a year of transformation through fire. I am now ready to step fully back into my mission of helping women explore their passions, live their purpose and discover the ultimate love of their life! As I continue on my sacred journey I plan to honor my true purpose and the love of my life.

As many of you already know, I have been absent from my business of serving all of you in your quest for manifesting the love of YOUR life, so I could take care of the love of MY life.  Last year Steve and I walked the Sacred Love journey of cancer.  We had such high hopes for an outcome that would allow us to stay together in physical form in this lifetime, but that was not meant to be.  In just 9 months’ time, we went from hearing his dire diagnoses of triple hit lymphoma to saying “good-bye for now”, as he transitioned to spirit form, surrounded with family in our living room.

While Steve bore the physical burden of pain, paralysis and death, I bore the emotional and mental burden of loss and grief, while watching my vibrant, vital and passionate husband, slowly lose his fire and spark of life. It was also the year that I felt the closest to Steve and all of our family, friends and circle of support.  We walked every single step of that journey together, side by side, and in many ways, it brought us even closer to each other than our fun adventures ever could.

One of Steve’s favorite movies was “Titanic”. I told Steve every time we watched it that we would be like the old couple that chose to spoon together on the bed facing their transition to spirit after a long and happy life together.  I never wanted to be like Rose and Jack, but in our own way, at least for right now, we are.  Steve and I had 8 years together.  Only 8 and all of 8.  We loved passionately, lived deeply, took lots of adventure trips and grew more in those 8 years than I have in any other 8 years in my life!

I used to think that a “successful” life was a long life (85+ years) after serving your purpose surrounded by those you love.  The only part of that idea that is no longer true for me is the age part.  I still believe that when we have fulfilled our purpose in this lifetime, we go back to spirit form and share in eternal happiness and Joy.  Steve completed his journey in just 53 years. Hearing the stories from his students of how he inspired them to step into their passions of protecting our environment and protecting Mother Earth, filled my heart with such pride, and such sadness that such a powerhouse was gone.  We are each left with his wisdom, guidance and inspiration to follow our path in becoming leaders and making the world a better place. Stepping into our life’s purpose will honor Steve’s memory in all of us.

Part of my purpose is to continue coaching women on the sacred inner journey of preparing themselves for love in my Being the One  Relationship Readiness program, and the sacred outer journey of attracting and choosing Love through my Conscious Dating program.

Community has always been important and vital to me. As part of my on-going vision, I am excited to invite you to join me as we build a community of women, sisters called, The Sacred Sisterhood, a safe and sacred space for women to connect, heal and transform in unity and fun, no matter where they are on their Sacred Love Journey. Our true source of support comes from a strong tribe of friends, as we share and empower each other to be our best selves, and raise our energy. We will create new traditions and open to new love while we learn, discover and have fun along the way.  For more information on the Sacred Sisterhood, visit: Sandy’s Facebook Page Events

All great relationships start with a conversation

Begin your Sacred Love Journey with a breakthrough session here!