Sacred Sedona Retreat

Sacred Sedona

Awakening to your Divine Nature

June 2025

Imagine yourself whole, happy and healthy, and living the life you were born to live... that you are "Called" to live. ~Sandy Tomey

How would it feel to wake up each day inspired and excited to share your unique and special gifts with the world in your own unique way.

How liberating would it feel to open your heart and explore your soul's Truth and purpose in a safe and sacred space?

What would be possible in ALL your relationships if you could deeply love and trust yourself and others?

Sacred Sedona is specially designed for you if you are ready to deepen your relationship with all parts of yourself, heart and soul!

Join Love Coach Sandy Tomey in the sacred lands of Sedona as you enhance your ability to:

  • Connect to, create and live from your heart-centered, soul-based, authentic self.
  • Listen deeply to your Inner wisdom, intuition and sacred knowing, and strengthen your connection to Source.
  • Receive aligned transmissions of energy and inspiration to up-level your own awareness of your sacred gifts and how you might best share them with the world.

If this speaks to your heart and soul, then know that you are being called into this sacred circle with other soul sisters, ready to take their life to their next level of growth and fulfillment—bringing you leaps and bounds closer to your long-awaited dreams for life and love.

What I know for sure, is that when we align with our soul's Divine Truth, and allow the Source of all Life to enter into the journey, positive shifts happen, wholeness is created, love and fulfillment is felt and magic and miracles occur! That is my intention for us during this retreat.